tirsdag 26. juli 2011

3-day dog show! 22-23-24.7.2011

Gehela's Abu Al Khayr ibn Fajr
Entered 3-day dog show with various results.

22.07 2011
Judge: Natasa Blanusa

following critiqs:
Nice developed of exc type, exc bone, nice strong head and prop Corr, Corr earset, exc pigment, good neck, strong body with exc chest. topline should be cleener , esp in movement .
Exc ang in front , could have more ang behind
  Corr tailset , nice structured & balanced all together.

Exc coat, good overall in exc condition

Exc - 3

Judge : Dusan Paunovic

3 year , corr male, corr male head, corr neck, good cheast and bones , corr topline, enough corr behind.

exc condition , behind move could be better also in front , enough corr from siluett  . good temperment.

Exc - 1 - CC  - 1 - BOB

Judge : Monica Blaha

Good size, nice head , eyes should be darker . Exc long neck , good crop , deep chest, ang ok,

movement ok.

Exc - 3


22.07 2011
Judge: Natasa Blanusa

Gehela's Badi Khaleel - Biscotti & Gehela`s  Bint al Riyah - Biscotti
Both got EXC and res CAC - BHK 2 & BTK 2

Judge : Dusan Paunovic

Gehela's Badi Khaleel - Biscotti

Gehela`s  Bint al Riyah - Biscotti
very good

Judge : Monica Blaha

Gehela's Badi Khaleel - Biscotti & Gehela`s  Bint al Riyah - Biscotti  

Both got EXC and res CAC - BHK 2 & BTK 2

Congratulations to Lene C. Ljosdal & Heinz Libeck
Svend O. and Britt Karlsen

Fatinah des Haust de Heurteloup one year !

tirsdag 19. juli 2011

N Uch Dabka`s Dina Nazmie ( Dina) pregnancy

Late in May, we finally arrived after almost 1500 km in the car. Over 1.5 years was this trip planned and now we were finally there, at Kennel Khalil.

We had some wonderful days with people who have an incredible knowledge of our  breed ,

and I
am proud to know these people. Thank you Bosse & Elizabette for some great days, good food & drink, laugh and talk, and lots of pictures of the Kennel Khalil beautiful boys.

We got what we came for, and May 30 to 31 were Dina mated. We are looking forward to this combination with S CH El Ubaid's Genesis. A stunning male .  9 years, but still proud and beautiful and in good health. Now we hope for many beautiful puppies in early August.

 beautiful couple

wonder what they think?

6 weeks pregnant

7 weeks pregnant

8 weeks pregnant